wahai sume2 blogger yg terhormat,arini aku ade 1 pengumuman! dsebabkn rmai org da dpt gaji n wlaupn xde kne ngene ngan aku,kini aku suda berduet untk membaya utang2 tag kowunk..pasnih langsai!
tag no. 1..
1. Post 1 gambar yg penah anda drive?

2. Berapa kelajuan yg pernah anda pandu?
ade skali tuh aku usha jln cam kosong jek,aku pn cube try test la nengok bape laju moto aku bule gi,ituh die,160!!! hoho..tp jgn sala paham,sala anggap,sala sangke,sala laku disiplin n laen2...aku bkn ah mat rempit okeh,aku cume rase panas tyme tuh n aku pn bawak ah laju nk kasik ade angin..hoho..
3. Kenapa bawak laju2?
sbab aku ade jiwe klajuan..(pergh tipu kuat..)
4. Pernah kena saman?
ha,ni aku x pena agi kne,tp bapak membe aku,name die saman,,,die slalu ajak aku men bedminton ptg2,ha,kire cam aku kne saman ke? hoho..
5. Tag to?
tag 2...2,3,4,,,,hoho..x ah,ni ah org betuah yg akn ditag...aku taw ade yg da pena dpt,so,kowunk abaikn je ah..
2.Cik merahitujambu
5.Kunci (key)
sape yg tag aku nih? tuh die si fa_girl yg kini berstatus ank dare yg tidak bekerje...
tag no. 2...mmg keje aku rini wat tag je ah kn..
1.What do the majority of people in your life call you?
Abg Dzul Yg kachak agi mnawan...muahaha..
2.Do you still talk to the person you were dating 6 months ago?
oih,xelok nih,aku x pena gi dating2,aku dok uma tlg mak aku jek..:D
3.What color is your phone?
itam seitam itamnye...
4.Who is the last male you hugged?
hamboi,ingt aku songsang ke..eeee...
5.Do you enjoy drama?
drama pe? swasta ke krajaan?
6Did you learn anything from the last BIG mistake you made?
x,gua mmg suke wat silap...huhu
7.Do you have dimples when you smile?
soklan perli nih...mentang2 aku cam tembikai,ne de bnde alah tuh...huh
8.Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
yup,cekgu fizik aku,msti die bengang td bile die mntak buku,aku blah ikot pntu blakang..sungguh berdisiplin aku nih kn?
9.What would you do if your best friend was moving away?
Cari kwn baru ah! woohoo!
10.If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
kalo org tuh bisu die nk ckap camne?
11.Do you kiss a lot of people today?
kismis ade la...ingt ye kanak2,7 bijik sehari..:D
12.Name one person that made you smile today?
ramli sarip..huh?
13.What were you doing at 8 am this morning?
ckgu ngah ngaja,aku ngah tdo...see,aku ley wat due bnde skali gus,blaja smbel tdo..hoho..
14.Is anyone jealous of you?
ade,dowunk jelez coz aku bole dnga radio sambel tgk tv..(ha,camne tuh?)
15.Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
muke baek innocent cam gua lu kate spoiled? hoho
16.Can you handle the truth?
nape gua rase sume soklan nih skema abes ha?
17.Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
aku suke kete bmw,tp segan ah aku nk ckp kat kete tuh,die bkn ley dnga..hoho..
18.Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?
tanak aih,aku suke malaysia..:D
19.Do you have a best friend that knows you inside and out?
kalo ye pn ade besfren xkn nk kasik tgk inside? huhu..
20.Have you ever told someone you were single when you really werent?
ngengade ah soklan nih...
21.Today did you hug the person you have feelings for?
SYirik nih..
22.Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottle?
aku yg mengarot ke soklan ni yg mncarot?
23.Where is your number one person on your friends list?
dlm malaysia agi aku rase..
24.Did you ever lose a best friend?
kwn2 aku x bez,so,xde bezfren ah..hoho..
25.Are any of your friends taller than you?
nih yg aku suke nih,yeah,aku tnggi! x cam si KEY,die pendek!..hoho...
26.Are you good at hiding your feelings?
"soklan yg menggelikn"
27.Do you wave when you see people you know?
bagi salam ah...
28Were you happy when you woke up this morning?
gile ko,aku kne gi skula,sape yg hepi..
29.Do you hate being alone?
aku suke dok sengsowunk,kecuali kalo nk kuar,kalo reramai jimat sket duet,ade org sapot..hoho,,
30.pass dis tag to:
5.ko,yup2,ko ah!
aku rase ade agi 1 tag yg aku lom jwab coz susa ah..key punye..ko kasi ah aku yg sng sket weyh..
hehe..kiranya aku berhutang jugak la nie ee??
baah, nti aku jawab aa..aku tgk bz skng..ciaw!!
Gelak sakan fifa bila baca kamu punya blog ni.. (nasib baik x sampai thp nak berguling-guling)
Uitt... Kalau ye pun slow2 la kalau nak mengata fifa pun !!!
pengganggur terhormat tau !!! Muahahaha...
asl aku jd mangsa keadaan..huhuhu
hurm.. tag yang fist tu! hahaha.. lawak tul!
aku kena jwb la.. hutang dulu lah erk?
aku dah la x gaji lagik..
ko mmg mendera!
neh aku nak bayo pkai apeh?
ko jawab cpat..
okeh,aku xdulik,kowunk kne baya gak utang tag nih wlaupn ko x gaji or ko ngah prektikal n x dpt gaji..huhu
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